Gold Dust Women

Weekend Gathering

August 2 - 4, 2024

Rediscover your connection to nature and yourself through an intimate, transformative retreat that

blends spiritual practices, natural rhythms, and community well-being.


For thousands of years, humans lived in harmony with the earth's rhythms, guided by the sun, moon, and seasons…

In our modern era, we've drifted away from these natural cycles, leaving us feeling stretched thin, exhausted, and disconnected. By rediscovering our interconnectedness with nature, embracing cyclical living, and integrating earth-based rituals into our lives, we can reignite our intuition and realign with an ancient, innate rhythm.

Consider carving out moments for yourself, allowing space to synchronize with the whispers of your heart. Across cultures and throughout history, wisdom echoes the diversity of paths to spiritual growth.

There's no singular blueprint or prescribed ritual for evolution. Instead, like the changing seasons, there exist overarching processes akin to nourishing elements for the human spirit.

This retreat is a compassionate and supportive gathering for womxn built on the beliefs of spiritual practices and well being in a non-judgemental and introspective way.  We are keeping this first gathering intimate yet potent. Move, breathe and honor your well being. Treat yourself to something wild and wonderful that couldn’t be found anywhere else.

Workshops // Sacred Self Care // Movement // Skill Sharing

Learn a new hobby or skill from a community of enthusiastic practitioners.

During our weekend together in the golden dust, we’ll delve into these nourishing elements and how they reinforce sustainable lifestyles while exploring the myriad of ways that natural cycles of  birth, growth, harvest, release, and rest are reflected in the world around us. Together, we’ll connect through immersing in nature and ritual by blending our energies, fostering connections to the land, and ancestral wisdom through yoga, & breath work, skill share, swimming, hiking, sharing meals, herbalism & song.


Offerings Include Botanical Hair Rinse, Herbal Foot Baths and Aromassage


Expanding Your Creativity With Hooping, Indigo Dyeing, Herbalism And Womb Healing


Moving Our Bodies With Earthing Yoga, Plant Walks, Music & Song


YOUR time for rediscovery without bounds. Learn from our community

of enthusiastic practitioners and take the time to recharge the body and soul.

Loose Weekend Rhythm

Detailed times for the flow of the weekend will be provided at the opening circle

  • DAY 1

    Friday, August 2nd

    Arrival BYOT Set Up (anytime after 2pm)

    Opening Circle

    Lay of the land

    Weekend outline

    Shared Dinner

    Music, Dance, Fire & Drums

  • DAY 2

    Saturday, Augst 3rd

    Early Morning Yoga

    Indigo Dye Workshop

    Herbal Outdoor Spa Treatments

    Ritual Breath Ceremony with Inhance Breath Work

    Hooping with The Hoop Hag

    Hike, Swim, Free Time

    Shared Dinner

    Music, Dance, Fire & Drums

  • DAY 3

    Sunday, August 4th

    Early Morning Yoga

    Indigo Dye Workshop Wrap-Up

    Herbalism Workshop with Plants & Provisions

    Hooping with The Hoop Hag

    Closing Circle

A Few Details & FAQs

  • Please bear in mind and heart that this is the year-round home to our animal cousins including Bear, Mountain Lion, Coyote, Deer, Rabbit, Rat, Mouse, Scorpion, Spider, Rattlesnake, Vulture, Hawk, Owl, Tick, etc. We are visiting their home. Walk lightly upon the Earth and be conscientious of your environment, properly store your food and trash, leave no trace, and intend to leave the environment more nourished than before you arrived.

  • We will provide vegetarian communal family style dinners. Please provide your own breakfasts, snacks, lunches and beverages daily. An outdoor communal kitchen will be located near the camping area with a stove, pots & pans, dish station & drinking water station. You are responsible for the care of our kitchen and supplies. Meaning keeping it clean by doing your own dishes, making sure we use only what we need etc. We will all work together to keep the drinking water station full. Please provide your own eating & drinking vessels and utensils, cooler, and critter storage containers. 

  • Gold Dust Women is a drug and alcohol-free zone for the entire event. 

    It's very important to keep our space safe, protected, and crystal clear energetically. If you smoke tobacco, please be aware to do so apart from the group spaces, and with great awareness of fire safety.

  • Pretty please arrive 15 minutes prior to any part of the weekend you plan to participate in which will provide  enough time to gather your belongings, and settle in so we can begin on time. 

    Pack it in & pack it out- please leave no trace!

Together we will be honoring each other, the earth, and our relationship with the natural world.

Honoring our well-being by connecting, to the land, and in ritual for a weekend.

Astrologically and energetically a potent time to reweave our next story. Come gather with us from August 2nd to 4th, as we rise together in the golden dust.